Translating the mood
Each year in December, Notebook MOOD will be published on the basis of MOOD, researching and translating the mood by Trendslator. The Notebook MOOD offers a preview and a summary of seven Trend files that will appear online. These focus on market trends, consumer trends and societal trends and insights and foresights on the long-term, mid-term and short-term. Using Translation Materials, you can start researching and translating the mood into new strategies and innovative concepts for your business or organisation.
Imagine the future
In Notebook MOOD 19, world-famous entertainers and athletes show us what we should do: rewrite history and re-imagine the future. Our image of reality has been wrong for centuries. We first have to go back centuries in time to do justice to reality. And then we have to go far ahead in time to be able to give the future the right colour and to make it happen. Read more about the MOOD Membership.
Past tense / Future sense
Whoever has a purpose to live for, has a reason to get up every day. People who have a reason to get up every day are more satisfied, positive and healthier than people who don’t. What applies to people also applies to organisations. Organisations that have a reason for existence have employees who have a reason to get up every day. A company or organisation that wants to have a reason for existence can develop itself in four areas: education, innovation, organisation and communication.