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Look ahead

A trend is fleeting, elusive and variable; some trends occur rapidly, yet others are slow. Those who want to survive will find themselves in a continuous process of change. This demands insight into current moods and the ability to look ahead towards opportunities and possibilities.

Look ahead to the future

Do you want to know about current trends and developments in the market, among consumers and in society?

Continuous research into the current mood >

Stay with the times

Trendslog, our weblog about trends and the future in terms of innovation and creation will allow you to stay with the times.

Now on Trendslog

Stay up to date with our blog Trendslog

Do you want to keep abreast of trends and developments in relation to innovation and creation?

Our blog about trends and the future >

Translate the trends

We use the term ‘Futuring’; the research process and translation of trends into a vision for the future. Others call this strategic foresight, future thinking or trend driven innovation. In short, it is about preparation for the future of your business or organisation.

Translate trends into opportunities and possibilities

Would you like to know how to research trends and to translate them into a future vision?

Methods for trend and future research >

Create the future

The only certainty we have is that nothing is certain. Everything changes constantly. But we can research related trends and developments. We can prepare ourselves for what is to come and create our own future.

Create the future of your business or organisation

Do you want to prepare for the future of your business or organisation?

Examples from our practice >

Know who you are

We are quit honest about it. There are never enough people and resources to translate all trends and developments. Choosing well based on self-knowledge is a prerequisite for successfully translating trends into relevant strategies and current concepts.

Know who you are and make the best choices

Do you want to know who we are and how we can help you?

Introduction to Trendslator >

Work with us

It is an established fact: creation and innovation are enhanced by collaboration. We believe that people are able to achieve best by exploring developments and translating trends together for the future of companies and organisations.

Work together with Trendslator and the Trendnetwork

How can you and Trendslator work together on the future of your company or organisation?

Working with experts >